Sean Hawkins Jr. – Live From The Colosseum

By 44faced on May 08, 2021 in Music - 0 Comments

Live From The Colosseum is a musical representation of life as an emcee in NYC for Sean Hawkins Jr. Fully produced by Samy Ado, the two provide a fresh and interesting mix of colorful imagery and witty delivery over eclectic jazz production. Throughout the tape Sean speaks to his internal battles of growth and true self expression while paying homage to his hometown of Queens, NY and remaining himself. Live From The Colosseum represents a community of artists who live through creation and enjoying life.

Sean Hawkins Jr. is an emcee from Queens, NY. Raised in Springfield Gardens/Jamaica. Dedicated to his craft and living through the art.

Stream Sean Hawkins Jr. – Live From The Colosseum on YouTube:

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