“Slow Motion” by The Sando Brothers is a soulful exploration of time and connection, carried by their signature acoustic warmth and harmonious vocals. Featured on their album Two to Make an Ocean, the track blends a reflective Americana style with an understated yet powerful emotional depth.
Stream The Sando Brothers – “Slow Motion”:
- YouTube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=1boxDHLzyxo
- Apple Music: music.apple.com/us/album/slow-motion/1780145199?i=1780145208
- Bandcamp: thesandobrothers.bandcamp.com/track/slow-motion
Follow The Sando Brothers:
- Web: thesandobrothers.com
- YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCSzGVyWR3I9rXrYSr-rUa_w
- Apple Music: music.apple.com/us/artist/the-sando-brothers/1686613425
- Bandcamp: thesandobrothers.bandcamp.com