Dive into the lively world of “Permanently Delete,” a dynamic, Pop-infused Electronic anthem crafted by Botch Jericho, Lord D-Rock, and Caponi. This evolving track seamlessly transitions from 80’s inspired Pop to Alternative Hip-Hop, culminating in an explosive, upbeat electronic breakdown. The energetic vocal performances and ever-changing instrumentals create a song that’s perfect for dancing.
Artist Bio: Botch Jericho, Lord D-Rock, and Caponi are childhood friends who reconnected in their later years to collaborate on this song. Despite years apart between high school jamming sessions and the recording of this track, their chemistry remains strong, resulting in a psychedelic alternative hyper-pop/hip-hop creation.
Stream Lord D-Rock, Botch Jericho, Caponi – “Permanently Delete”:
Follow Lord D-Rock on Instagram: @lorddrock
Follow Botch Jericho on Instagram: @botch.jericho
Follow Caponi on Instagram: @stoph.wav