ApiiGo $even – Heat
Opening with a muffled synth riff and reverberated calls that sound as if they’re in African, possibly reflecting ApiiGo $even’s African roots being raised in Bko, Mali, West Africa. But now that he is based in New York, ApiiGo $even abruptly slams in at just the 12-second mark in his new single, “HEAT,” with an delayed ostinato trap riff vocal that quickly catches a space in your brain while the deep 808 pumps your heart and chest in a fully intense trap and drill-inspired trap atmosphere, but with lyrics aimed at motivating and inspiring. ApiiGo $even continues ripping bars freely over the beat for the full two-plus minute duration of the track, drawing on his experiences in a freestyle-like but expertly-positioned wording over a beat that is a banger for all club DJs to take note of. All the while, the beat layers a dark pad synth riff over a drum beat of closely-positioned smacks, taps and flams, adding to the general intensity of the track. ApiiGo $even’s “HEAT” is one to get you moving at the club, to get you motivated at the gym, to pump the bass out of your vehicle, and to wake you right up in the morning.
ApiiGo $even released his debut single “HEAT” on April 12, 2021. It showcases his lyricism in a uniquely constructed piece of musical artistry. His sound exhibits his versatility and prowess and will surely cement his style as well as pave the way for the varied expressions of his musical ideas and artistic craft. This is the music that will push the boundaries of our perception as well as inspire and drive us to introspective conversations.
ApiiGo $even is a multi-talented vocalist and rapper born in NY and raised in Bko, Mali, West Africa. Now based in NY, he is making music that is driven by a desire to motivate, inspire, comfort and spread love and joy to all those that hear it. Born Alpha Traore, ApiiGo $even is the embodiment of originality and uses his experiences, roots and musical acumen to create an amalgamated and original sound. He is fluent in French, English and Bambara and he is versatile enough to do all kinds of styles but mainly focuses on trap and drill.
Stream ApiiGo $even – “HEAT”:
- SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/apiigoseven/heat
- YouTube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9v-zPzMU6s
Follow ApiiGo $even:
- Instagram: @apiigo_7even
- Twitter: @apiigo_7even
- TikTok: @apiigo_7even
- Facebook: facebook.com/apiigo_7even
- Snap: @alpha.75
- YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UC1rUgPsaNAin_a4N-sJ60mQ
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